From the beginning

Three months ago today was the last day our Corie had 4 legs. It was a pretty sleepless night full of worrie and what-ifs. We were facing a major surgery and if she made it through it, a whole lot of “what now?”.

So when the morning finally came, off to the vet we went. My stomach in knots and my heart in my throat, I left her there. Knowing she would stay overnight added to my worry. I busied myself that day with buying her a new bed, making a quiet area for her to spend the next few days to a week recovering away from our other dogs and reading the posts on the tripawds website and reading online about Osteoscaroma. It was a long day!

Finally the time came for me to pick my girl up. I was excited that she had made it through the surgery with flying colors and was ready to come home. Yet, also afraid of what was to come. I was very insecure about my ability to nurse her through her recovery. But the immediate stress I was facing was, how am I going to get her into my car! It may sound silly and I guess it is but I was afraid of hurting her. After some fumbling and a little crying from both of us we figured it out and made it home. Getting her out was slightly more challenging but we did that too. I carried here the three steps up to the front door and the three steps down to the living room and let her walk into the “grooming room” where she would be staying. She laid down on her new bed and I sighed with relief!

Little did I know that the hard part was still to come……..


7 thoughts on “From the beginning”

  1. Okay, am I missing some of the post? I got down to ….”the hard part was still to come”…

    I’m keeping all paws crossed over here…

    Hugs and love,

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. Ooooh we’re waiting!!!

    Thank you so much for taking time to share this, you are helping so many folks by doing so.

    Hoppy New Year to you!

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